Specialty Floor Drying

So when we rearranged the shop we had to work with all of our specialty drying equipment. What is specialty drying equipment you ask? It is, in short, equipment used to dry specialty surfaces like hardwood and tile. Because of the way these surfaces are installed in a home or commercial building they cannot be moved or altered without being severely damaged.

And since even the best tiler in the world can’t keep water damage from getting in behind the tile they install we have to find a way to remove the water without removing the floor. Sometimes specialty drying can be costly, but not nearly as costly as having to replace all of your hardwood floors.

We use both the InjectiDry and the DriEaz systems depending on the needs of your residential or commercial property. The systems involve a high pressured suction machine that couples with a specific mat that has a gasket. The gasket allows for a formulated pressure that removes water without damaging your expensive surfaces.

The best part is your insurance should cover it because it is much less expensive than having to replace your whole floor or bathroom. We are happy to be able to provide this specialty service for our customers.

More questions? You can watch the InjectiDry setup video here. It’s the same system we use.

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