How Water Hides - The Flood Team

How Water Hides

Why is water so hard to find? Because of the way it moves. Water is very good at hiding and even though water is essential to life, it can be one of the most destructive hazards attacking your home. It’s so good at hiding that sometimes we can’t even see it’s there and special meters have to be used to detect it.

How water hides is by spreading out like a “T”. If you start at the point of the letter “T” where the two lines cross this is how water moves. It moves out and downward. Resting water isn’t really resting at all. Gravity pulls the water down into the surface of whatever it is resting on. As it moves down it spreads outward soaking into whatever porous material it comes into contact with. After it’s spread out and down it has another trick for hiding. It can also wick upward. So if you have resting water sitting at the base of drywall it can soak into the drywall and move up your wall.

This movement means that water can easily hide in your insulation, behind cabinets, behind showers and in subfloors. The surface may feel dry, but problems could be lurking underneath. If you have resting water hiding in your home it can lead to many secondary damages like mold or warping. Water in your subfloor can weaken the strength of your home.or ruin hardwood floors.

So if you have water damage it is important to have a professional come out and test the area with a moisture meter. They will find the perimeter of the affected area. This will ensure that when the water is removed, that it is removed from everywhere that it is hiding, not just the surface. Your water damage professional should make a map that shows where the water damage is. This step is important for figuring out the scope of work and an making an accurate bill.

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