3 Categories of Water Damage

Do you know how many categories of water damage there are? If you guessed three, you’d be right. These categories relate to the severity of the water damage. They are rated by what the water contains and how long it has been sitting. You cannot tell the water damage category just by sight or smell. […]

Fall is Here

So maybe it’s not quite fall yet, but here at The Flood Team we want you to be for the upcoming changes of the seasons. A lot of water damage happens because of this change. Here are some tips so you can avoid a costly water damage loss. The first one is to make sure […]

Air Movers

When a water remediation specialist comes out to your house there are two main types of fan they will be using to dry your home. Fans should be placed based on the air movement potential as stated by the manufacturer. Your water removal specialist should also be following the guidelines determined by the IICRC. The […]

Electrical Safety and Water Losses

When you have a water loss in your house electrical systems are bound to be involved. Water is a natural conductor of electricity so safety precautions must be followed. If you have a water loss it is best to stay out of the affected area. Also, don’t touch or unplug any electrical equipment that is […]

Category 3

Water losses are broken up into different categories. Category 3 is the worst. Category 3 means that the water contains lots of contaminants. Usually when we deal with category 3 losses we are dealing with sewage. So when we do a this kind of cleanup we have to take extra steps to make sure everything […]

Scoping for Insurance and Records

When The Flood Team or any water restoration company visits a potential customer one of the most important things is building a scope. Building a scope, or “scoping” is taking in all applicable data from a water loss and identifying the cost and time frame it will take to fix it. The scope is so […]

Why We Always Extract Carpet and Pad

When you have a water damage loss involving carpeted floors you need to think of it less like carpet and more like a swimming pool. A carpeted floor can hold a lot of water. Imagine you wanted to remove all the water from you swimming pool. How would you start? You wouldn’t start by putting […]


How do we do such good work? How do we keep customers satisfied and referring us again and again? It’s because we use the science of psychrometry to make sure our work is top notch. Psychrometry is the study of the relationship between air and water vapor. This study helps us as water restoration specialists […]

Specialty Floor Drying

So when we rearranged the shop we had to work with all of our specialty drying equipment. What is specialty drying equipment you ask? It is, in short, equipment used to dry specialty surfaces like hardwood and tile. Because of the way these surfaces are installed in a home or commercial building they cannot be […]

Mold Safety

Do you know that mold is harmful to your health? I bet you did, but do you know why? For most people this is a harder question to answer. The reason mold is harmful to your health is as mold grows it releases spores into the air that are toxic to humans. They release spores […]